1. How can I register a job offer?
Register through the HIRE HONDURANS WORKER´S section or on the page https://www.trabajo.gob.hn/hire-hondurans-workers-2/ and we will gladly assist you as soon as possible.

2. How much time is required for a worker to arrive at the company after having placed the job application?
Recruitment, selection and scheduling of the visa depends of each country. For Spain and United State of America, takes around 15 business days, and for Canada, takes around a month and a half.

3. What kind of staff do we offer?
We provide personnel in the following areas: agriculture, forestry, gardening, housing, construction, among others.
By requesting personnel in those areas, a list of the candidates will be provided in order to meet the profile required from the company. However, if the company desires to interview the candidates we will provide the facility in order to make this possible.

4. Should the company assume recruitment and selection costs?
All recruitment and selection services are provided free of charge.

5. How do you ensure that the selected candidates meet the requirements?
The PTTE makes the selection by conducting interviews and tests, if the company requires additional tests, the necessary steps can be taken to facilitate such actions, outside of the determined response time.

6. Should the company provide the housing?
mbiain their contract.

7. Who can provide assistance while workers are in the country that was hired?
Either the company or the workers can contact the nearest Honduran consulate or the PTTE directly.
